Articles should be sent in an electronic copy in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx).
Articles should normally be no longer than 45,000 characters includingspaces and including footnotes; bibliography not included.
Interviews should be no longer than 30.000-40.000 characters includingspaces; bibliography not included.
Abstract in English should be no longer than 1500 characters, includingspaces.
Author's bibliographical notes should be no longer than 1500 characters,including spaces.
Font and body
The text should be formatted in Times New Roman font, as follows:
-single spaced,
- 12 pt. for the body of the text; 11 pt. for quotations, 10 pt. for footnotes,captions.
Main editorial points
-Underlining a word should be done by quotation marks (“ ”); words froma different language should be typed in italic.
- Paragraph: 1.; first level subparagraph: 1.1; second level subparagraph:
1.1.1 and so on.; titles, only for paragraphs, have to be put after the numberand the full stop. Example: 7. Conclusions
Neither bold nor underlining must be used
Quotations of more than 2 lines should be typed with an extra line of spaceabove and below, without quotation marks (“ ”)(the body of the text shouldbe 11 pt.). Quotation marks (*") should be used for short quotations ofmaximum three lines. Quotations within quotations should be indicated asfollows: (“ ”).
The dots special symbol within square brackets ([..]) should be used foromission.
Pictures, photos, etc., should be numbered and sent in a separate file. Theymust be in high definition (300 dpi) and .jpeg extension. Another Word fileshould be sent with captions numbered as the pictures. Pictures should neverbe inserted within the text; rather, their collocation should be indicatedwithin the text as follows: (Picture 5).
The captions have to follow to the following scheme:
1. Place, Date (ex.: 29 may 2005). Description.
1. Date (ex.: 29 may 2005). Description.
Or, in case it is necessary to specify the author of the photo
1. Place, Date (ex.: 29 may 2005). Description. (Photo Name Surname).
1. Place, Date (ex.: 29 may 2005). Description. Museum of Natural History(411790).
Footnotes have to be formatted automatically through the command.
The text of the note, 10 point font size, has to be used just for comments andmeditations of the author.
In the main text, the return of the note has to be written next to the to word.
before punctuation and after the bracket:
…for over thirty years2.
…for over thirty years...”2.
…for over thirty years...”)2.
Bibliographical references
Bibliographical references should be given in round brackets in standardauthor-date form in the body of the text: (Lévi-Strauss 1955: 9). If there aretwo or more authors, the surnames should be separated by short dash (-):
(Kendall-Mathé-Ross Miller 1997: 30).
At the end of the text a complete list of the references quoted must beincluded, arrangedalphabetically by author's surname; references should betyped according to the following criteria and in the same order:
1. Book
1) Author's surname and name; for the edited volumes, the name of the
editor plus (ed.).
2) Date.
3) Title in italic.
4) In case, the number of volume in Roman numerals: vol. II.
5) City
6) Publisher
Ruby Jay
2000, Picturing Culture. Explorations of Film and Anthropology, Chicago,The University of Chicago Press.
Basso Keith
1970a. The Cibecue Apache, New York, Rinehart and Winston.
1970b, To Give Up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture,"Southwestern Journal of Anthropology", XXVI/3, pp. 213-230.
Kendall Laurel, Mathé Barbara, Ross Miller Thomas
1997, Drawing Shadows to Stone. The Photography of the Jesup North
Pacific Expediton, 1897-1902, New York, America Museum of NaturalHistory.
Schneider Jane (ed.)
1998, Italy's "Southern Question". Orientalism in One Country,Oxford-New York, Berg.
2. Papers in journals or newspapers
1) Author's surname and name.
2) Date.
3) Title of the paper in italic.
4) Journal's name between quotation marks (“ ”)
5) Annual reference or number of volume of the journal; or, in case of In
newspaper: mm/dd/year.
6) Page numbers of the paper (the first and the last page numbers with a shortdash of separation).
Basso Keith
1970b, To Give Up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture, “Southwestern Journal of Anthropology”, 26/3, pp. 213-230.
Lévi-Strauss Claude,
1994, Due miti e un incesto, “la Repubblica”, 29 dicembre, pp. 30-31.
3. Papers in edited books
1) Author's surname and name.
2) Date.
3) Essay's title in italic.
4) “in” plus the editor's name initial and the editor's surname, plus (ed.).
5) Book's title in italic.
6) Publishing House
7) City
8) Page numbers of the essay.
Schneider Jane
1998, Introduction: The Dinamic of Neo-orientalism in Italy (1848-1995),in J. Schneider (ed.), Italy's “Southern Question”. Orientalism in OneCountry, Oxford-New York, Berg, pp. 1-23.
Saunders George R.
1998, The Magic of the South: Popular Religion and Elite Catholicism inItalian Ethnology, in J. Schneider (ed.), Italy's "Southern Question'in Orientalism in One Country, Oxford-New York, Berg, pp. 177-202.
4. Internet references
The web pages references have to be typed in alphabetical order in separatelist after the Bibliography and must contain the date of consultation: viewedjune 15 2015.
Ex.:, consultatoil28 aprile2015.
<>, viewed October 19 2014.
Texts and articles published online following the same procedure of printedtexts. At the end specify the internet address and the date of consultation.
Hidalgo Hernández Verónica
2005, Cultura, multiculturalidad, interculturalidad y transculturalidad:Evolución de un término, “Revista de Ciències de l'Educació”, XXIX/1,
available at:,accessed October 16, 2014.
5. Film and video
Mingozzi Gianfranco
1962, La Taranta, 20', b/n, 35 mm, scientific advice E. de Martino, originalmusic recorded by D. Carpitella, photography U. Piccone, comment S.Quasimodo, Pantheon Film, Roma. Marzocco d'oro Festival deiPopoli,Firenze 1962.
Paggi Silvia
2001, Observation filméed'uneactivitéquotidienneféminine chez les Bétéde la Côte d'Ivoire, 20', col., take HI-8, editing BETACAM SP atMediaTec Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, (first editing 1993, 40').
Rouch Jean
1955, Les Maîtres fous, 29°, col., take 16 mm "blow up" 35 mm, soundAndré Cotin, Damouré Zika e Lam IbrahimaDia, citing Suzanne Baron,production Les films de la Pléiade, Paris. Mostra del cinema of Venice1957.
6. Disc
Berio Luciano, Un re in ascolto, A musical work in two parts, texts I.Calvino, Collegno records WWE 2CD 20005.
Feld Steven (ed. by), Bosavi. Rainforest Music from Papua New Guinea, 3compact disc, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings SFW CD 40487, 2001.
Dylan Bob, Nashville Skyline, lp, CBS S63601, 1969.