10 voci 2012 1




Rivista di Scienze Umane

Direttore: Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani
Direttore: Antonello Ricci
Direttore Responsabile: Walter Pellegrini
Comitato Scientifico: José Luis Alonso Ponga, Jean-Loup Amselle, Marc Augé †, Antonino Buttitta †, Francesco  Faeta, Abdelhamid Hénia, Michael Herzfeld, Lello Mazzacane, Isidoro Moreno Navarro, Marino Niola, Mariella Pandolfi, Taeko Udagawa
Comitato di direzione: Antonello Ricci (coordinatore), Enzo Alliegro, Katia Ballacchino, Letizia Bindi, Laura Faranda, Mauro Geraci, Fiorella Giacalone, Fulvio Librandi, Maria Teresa Milicia, Rosa Parisi, Gianfranco Spitilli. 
Direzione e redazione: Dipartimento di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte, Spettacolo “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma 
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Registrazione n. 525 Tribunale di Cosenza Iscrizione R.O.C. n. 316 del 29-08-2001 ISSN 1827-5095 Abbonamento annuale € 40,00; estero E 87,00; un numero € 40,00 (Gli abbonamenti s’intendono rinnovati automaticamente se non disdetti 30 gg. prima della scadenza) c.c.p. n. 11747870 intestato a Pellegrini Editore - Via G. De Rada, 67/c - 87100 Cosenza I dattiloscritti, le bozze di stampa e i libri per recensione debbono essere inviati alla Direzione. La responsabilità di quanto contenuto negli scritti appartiene agli autori che li hanno firmati. Gli articoli non pubblicati non vengono restituiti.



A cura di Vincenzo M. Spera


La fiesta del gallo en Guarrate: ritualesludicos yjuecosritualizados
José Luis Alonso Ponga 9

A cavallo della tradizione: palii, giostre e processioni lungo laPenisola

I bestiali delitti e il processo rituale
Claudio Corvino 42

Gli animali «totemici» della Francia mediterranea:dalle feste di paese al patrimonio culturale immateriale
Laurent Sébastine Fournier 57

La mediazione degli animali nel rapporto con la divinitàpresso i greci
Donato Loscalzo 71

The rooster in the transylvanian folklore
FerencPozsony 85

Aspetti simbolici e rappresentazioni del lupo nell’immaginariopopolare
Gianfranca Ranisio 96

Gli animali nelle tradizioni popolari della Sardegna
Maria Margherita Satta 109

Il gallo espiatorio
Vincenzo M. Spera 129

Il santo e il bue. Contributo all’analisi di un complesso rituale
Gianfranco Spitilli 155

Los animales en las prácticas y los ritualescurativos de los dios es de la lluvia y el viento en las culturas pre hispánicas de México
Carlos Viesca T. 175




Uomini, scimmie e discorsi di altra natura. A colloquio con Giorgio Manzi
Maria Teresa Milicia 187

Le forme incoercibili della natura. Un’articolazione del rapporto uomo animale
Fulvio Librandi 213




Taccuino newyorchese
Francesco Faeta 231

Punch di Cruikshank e Collier
Anna Maria Musilli 272

Il «paese povero» di JorisIvens fra petrolchimico e magia lucana
Antonello Ricci 283

I funerali dogon di Marcel Griaule: un dossier inedito negli Archivi del Cercle di Bandiagara (Mali)
Laura Faranda 293

Una comunità mediterranea tra ricostruzioni della memoria,migrazioni e turismo sostenibile. Il caso Cetara
Annalisa Di Nuzzo 316

Rivificando i luoghi… Il Museo multimediale delle Serre Calabresia Monterosso
Rosario Chimirri 325


Camera oscura


Uno sguardo vigile e partecipe. Del terremoto quale evidenziatore socio-culturale
Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani 329

Fotografie di Umberto Zanotti Bianco 333




La bellezza di un’anima
Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani 373

L’esperienza della cooperazione contro lo sradicamento
Francesco Tassone 376

Ando Gilardi, un fotografo di notevole spessore
Antonello Ricci 378

Il Brigante che sconfigge Lombroso
Maria Teresa Milicia 382

Donne nella mafia più libere ma più sole
Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani 385

La nostra società e gli «invisibili»
Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani 386

Le elezioni in Sicilia e i gay in politica
Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani 389


Si parla di...


Migranti involontari: un tema «buono da pensare»
Katia Ballacchino 393

Ascoltare il mondo o osservarlo? Percorsi originali dell’antropologiaitaliana contemporanea
Francesco Faeta 400

Il sogno di Virgilio. Poetica e «politica» delle ricerche etnografichee musicali di Roberto De Simone
Antonello Ricci 403

L’altra metà dell’Artico. Artiste inuit in mostra
Antonello Ricci 411


Recensioni 413


Notiziario 421




a cura di Vincenzo M. Spera



In this paper I will be concerned with a rite of passage of the young people from a village in Zamora (Spain). It is a paradigmatic example of a big amount of rites of passage. The main characteristics of the rite will be described, as well as the polysemy and the changes it has developed to fit on the contemporary society. In this way, this rite keep being a good point to start to understand the society, culture and the roll of the cultural heritage in the rural areas. This paper focused on the scenery changes, and the maintenance of the main aspects from a symbolic point of view.

Key words: rooster, feast, rite of passage, Spain, cultural heritage

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The paper focuses on equestrian traditions in Italian cultural space: palii, jousts, ritual horseback riding processions. Historical implications of this involvement of horses on rituals are analysed in order to understand the value of this animal in a particular cultural context and the symbolic function horses recover for local identity and community construction. Today the «use» of animals in rituals is moreover representing an element of debate among different pro and contra parties and these critical «rethinking» of ceremonials in contemporaneity is one of the most interesting way to analyse the relationship between innovation and tradition in different local contexts. An aesthetic and ethic question about the involvement of horses in ancient cultural traditions so emerges and it allows reconsidering the role that animals play in a «community of practice».

Key words: equestrian traditions, Italy, rituals, symbolic function, local identity

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The essay exhibits the phenomenon of the animal trials, documented since the thirteenth century when the animals were judged as human beings and they were undergone to the same legal proceedings, from the interrogatory to the sentence and the execution, passing through the torture. This essay explores how the understanding of the animal trials and their social functions could allow to rethink both the causes and the origins of these phenomenons and the concept of ritual in pre-modern Europe. According the Author, the trial was one of the most important ritual performances of the pre-modern times.

Key words: animals, Pre-modern Europe, ritual processes, tortures, executions

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In the Languedoc area, in Mediterranean France around the cities of Montpellier and Béziers, several dozens of so-called “totemic” animals take part in different village festivals and carnivals. These effigies are usually wooden structures covered with cloth, emblematizing either good or evil. People hidden under the cloth carry the animals in procession around the place, accompanied by musicians and hobby-horses. Some of the animals come from the Middle Ages while some others have been recently created. In 2005 they have been granted a UNESCO label and since then they appear on the representative list of intangible cultural heritage together with other European “Processional giants and dragons”. The article will provide ethnographic data to depict the different sorts of animals represented, insisting on the cultural context in which they appear. The article will also discuss the idea of “totemism” in European folk culture and insist on the social changes in festivals due to the recent intervention of the UNESCO.

Key words: “totemc” animals, Languedoc, feasts, carnival, intangible cultural heritage

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During the archaic and classical eras, the Greeks venerated anthropomorphic deities and practiced rituals inspired by myths where men and gods were the protagonists. In fact, after mythical times, men and gods lived apart on different levels: the gods were immortal and happy, the men were tormented. Animals were considered inferior to humans. Nonetheless in the Greek texts and in the rituals, the animals represent an essential instrument for communication and for the construction of the relationship with the divine, because they offer the forms through which they can, assuming in part or completely their image, getting in touch with men. Vice versa, when the man wants to come into contact with the divinity, not only does he immolate an animal to reconstruct the lost commensality with deities, but he manages to disguise himself, to hide behind an animal mask to communicate with the god.

Key words: animals, mediation, gods, Greek civilization, myth

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In the folklore and beliefs of Transylvania, the rooster occupies a predominant place among domestic animals. He has exceptional abilities, his voice also signals the arrival of midnight and that of dawn. Therefore, it is the symbol of the sun that marks the beginning of life, greeting it with its song. It has become the emblem of the light that is born and that of the resurrection. Protagonist of beliefs and of the conception of popular life, the rooster is present in the rites of passage, at the most important moments of change in a life. At the same time, it is an important element: sacrificed living being at a moment of foundation, agrarian magic factor influencing fertility of plants, part of bewitchment to bring rain.

Key words: rooster, Transilvania, beliefs, rituals of passage, sacrifice

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This article highlights the symbolic aspects connected to the wolf in the popular imagination- not only- and how they are layered during the time, also as a conseguence of Christian culture. These aspects are analyzed through the description of a popular representation taking place in the region of Abruzzo, in the province of Chieti. In this representation a pair of farmers goes into the woods to pick up the firewood, bringing their child in a bassinet. A wolf, taking advantage of their distraction, escapes with the child. Parents desperate invoke San Domenico and the miracle just happens: the wolf comes back and leaves the child in the bassinet. Comparing the behavior of the wolf in this representation with those emerging from many historical and naturalistic researches, I want to analyze how simbolic aspects overlopped those ones really attributable to this animal species, inspiring beliefs, legends and tales.

Key words: wolf, symbolism, representation, Christianity, Saint Dominic

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The relation between man and animals and the consequent cultural elaborations are anthropological assumptions that have been consolidated for many years. Therefore it was suggested about using hunting activities, farming systems derived from pastoralism, training technique to use animals in productive, recreational and festive activities. From this relation results the classification of the different classes and species to whom, in some cultural contexts, have been connected symbolical meaning to distinguish different clan and to give homology between totemic classification and social structures. These general assumptions are the preliminary remarks to the analysis about the role of animals in the different sardinian popular traditions; the attention is focused on the recreational and festive occasions where the animals become protagonists. Zoonorphic masks were analysed from pastoral areas of the island in which the relation between man-animal is an objective fact so that during Carnival people are ironic about this relation and exasperate roles and behaviour with misshapen masks. In this frame are analyzed Mamuthones, Boes, Thurpos, Battileddu, Colonganos, Mamutzones and Cotzulados mask. Special attention is given to horse trials and, in particular, to Sartiglia where the community gains good luck when the knight, Componidori, pierces with his sabre, a star hung to a rope.

Key words: man-animal relationship, Sardinia, classification, social structures, masks

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After some considerations about using sheep and goats in rituals of purification and expiation, mentioned in the Old Testament, the transformation of these rituals, by the Christianity, is taken into account. A new entry among the animals in the Christian sacrificial ritual enters. Cock and poultry become the new sacrificial victims. They are animals cheaper and easily to get in the urban structures inside which this ritual, already existing since VI-V century b. C., can continue on ceremonial and mythical level, even if modified. Starting from the Gospel narrative, the cock enters the symbolic construction, maintaining and renewing the original symbolic references. The article then presents examples of the use of the cock as a sacrificial victim in purifying rituals and in some are still active rituals in the folk traditions culminating in his beheading.

Key words: rooster, expiation, sacrifice, Christianity, beheading

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In the year 2011, the ox of Saint Zopito appears at the entrance of the church of Saint Peter Apostle sixty-two years since the last time. It has just returned from the procession of Pentecost Monday. For the first time since, the animal almost gets back to the place where it kept kneeing up until 1948. Nowadays, the ox knees on Sunday morning in front of the main churches of Loreto Aprutino, and on Monday afternoon in the main square while the bust of Saint Zopito martyr is transiting and its statue is returning after the tour of the town. At this time, the ox stops on the churchyard in the shelter of the porch. Eventually, the main actors of the ritual, Saint Zopito and the ox, notwithstanding their apparent distance, seem to fully recognize each other as both different and complementary parts of the same ceremonial. This relationship is played in the midst of a complex stratification that redefines distances - and interpenetration - between popular culture and the symbolic and ritual universe governed by Catholicism. This hypothesis is the outcome of a comparative and regressive ethnography, supported by documents covering the wide time spectrum of the feast history (1711-2012).

Key words: saint, ox, kneeling, regressive ethnography, symbolic and ritual complementarity

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Tláloc, the rain god, and Ehécatl – Quetzalcóatl, god of the winds, are identified with some animals which are present in their representations, in their dresses and ornaments and in many rituals, being the contiguity with nature and the wild animals world were deeper and more important to ancient Mesoamerican peoples than are for us. Then, Tláloc bears a jaguar skin dressing and has jaguar form and tooth which developed slowly along centuries in serpent jaws and canines. He controls magical animals who follows his orders and intervene in the course of natural processes. In the same way, Quetzalcóatl was identified as a green bird with beautiful and long feathers, the quetzal, combined with the snake serpent, signifying the power of earthly beings to ascend to the upper cosmic strata. As Ehécatl has also a bird head, with a long peak, related to blow the winds, which were described, for the properties attributed to them, as different animals capable of cure or bring illnesses. The presence of these animals in rituals and in medical practices was constant and remains a frequent element until today.

Key words: healing rituals, magic, wild animals, divinity, pre-Hispanic cultures

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From the «missing link» to current taxonomy revolution of the post genomic era, differences as well as similarities between humans and anthropoid apes had been played a fundamental role in evolutionary studies. The text of the interwiew is excerpted from two long conversations with Giorgio Manzi, paleoanthropologist of the University «Sapienza», that offers a reflexive focus on the «state of art» in bio-anthropological studies. In particular, Manzi discusses some important themes that inform his work, as the social role of the anthropologist in dissemination of scientific knowledge. .

Key words: men, monkeys, Manzi, interwiew, bio-anthropology

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The interviews to Éric Fassin and Anne Cadoret, who are specialised in gender studies, sexuality, kinship at Université Paris 8 (Vincennes-Saint-Denis) and at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, retrace the fundamental themes of the scientific debate and policies on family, sexuality, homoparental relationships, the redefinition of the notion of gender, homosexuality, heterosexuality, the concepts of intimate citizenship and sexual democracy, with specific reference to the French context. .

Key words:family, homoparental relationships, sexuality, Fassin, Cadoret

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Abstract This script reports the fieldwork notes of the Author during his stay, as a fellow and associate researcher, at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University in New York, during the second semester of the academic year 2011-2012. In addition to testifying about certain aspects and problems of the American metropolis, which appear from the point of view of a European, reviews some of the most interesting cultural events (especially related to the context of social photography and in the critical perspective of visual anthropology) that occurred during the period, offering an updated contribution for understanding the intellectual background of New York.

Key words: New York, fieldwork notes, American metropolis, social photography, visual anthropology

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The essay – based on The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Punch and Judy, with twenty-four pencil drawings by George Cruikshank and text to a puppet show by John Payne Collier - shows the integration of Punch in the English cultural context (using the analysis of the features that characterise the image of the hero of the comic puppet theatre at the beginning of the nineteenth century), and highlights the function, meaning and effects of Punch (such as overcoming of the contradictions inherent in society, strengthening of borders and identity, strategies to get relieve oneself from repentance and fear of the unknown) on English culture and society of the time. .

Key words: Tragical Comedy, Punch and Judy, English cultural context, borders, identity

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This paper tells the story of the film L’Italia non è un paese povero directed by the Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens in 1959. The film was commissioned by Enrico Mattei in order to promote the ENI activities. It was to be broadcast on television, but it was banned and never shown. In 1996, the young filmmaker Stefano Missio reconstructed Ivens documentary history trough the film Quando l’Italia non era un paese povero, having found some copies stored in Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam. An episode of the film was shot in Basilicata in the same villages where Ernesto de Martino and Diego Carpitella did their researches. The music accompanying Ivens images of Basilicata where those recorded a few years before, on the field, by the two Italian scholars.

Key words: Ivens, petrochemical, documentary, Basilicata, music

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After summarizing the results of a research project started in 2005 and aimed at the rehabilitation and upgrading of a colonial archive in Mali, the author analyzes a file found in that archive and devoted to the funerals "at a distance" that the Dogon population celebrated in 1956 in honor of French anthropologist Marcel Griaule. The analysis of these documents reveals new aspects of the event and lets questions of great interest emerge: the relationship between the colonial authorities and the local spiritual leaders; the internal tensions about the processes of forced Islamic penetration; the commitment of a colonial administration being disposed to maintain an indirect control of the territory; the mediating political and cultural role carried out in his fieldwork by one of the fathers of anthropology in France.

Key words: Dogon, Mali, Griaule, colonial archives, funerals

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Abstract This short talk is part of the field research I have been carrying out for about a year on the community of Cetara and on the changes a peculiar type of enogastronomic tourism is bringing about in such a community. Set on the Amalfi coast, Cetara conjures up images of dripping, alici, fishing, tuna, salting and fish preservation. In particular, the complex relationship between the building up of a community’s identity and its perceptions of the past has been studied: the connection between history and life stories and how a food product has become the symptom, symbol and synthesis of the site identity, causing its modern sanctification. In the specific case of Cetara, the reappropriation of memory and of the past is producing a sort of ethnographic map of the territory. This has been increasingly combined with the possibility of promoting heritage tourism, giving rise to integration and environmental sustainability against a background of profitable intraculturality and proud reappropriation of the cultural heritage, of which dripping represents the tip of a profound, deep-rooted continuous process.

Key words: memory, migration, sustainable tourism, Cetara, enogastronomy

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In a society like today’s which is highly contaminated by processes of mass dependence, the museum continues to have great meaning, particularly if seen as a place of meeting between cultural and community patrimony, and if, through its structure and contents, its primary objective is the development of knowledge and recovery of the collective memory. When correctly planned, a museum can be regenerative for those villages in difficulty because abandoned or depopulated; it can become not only an element of urban attraction and revitalization but also an example of participation.

Key words: museum, cultural heritage, community, memory, rigeneration

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Camera Oscura

Il terremoto del 28 dicembre 1908 nel territorio di Reggio Calabria e di Messina rappresentò la maggiore catastrofe nel Mediterraneo del Novecento. L’evento sismico precipitò le popolazioni del reggino, del suo interland e di Messina in una condizione di morte e di paralizzato stupore che evidenziarono, oltre alla tragica emergenza, una situazione economico - sociale, culturale, esistenziale di intensa drammaticità. Umberto Zanotti Bianco, studioso, filantropo, organizzatore e ispiratore di innumerevoli iniziative, impegnato anche in campo sanitario, prese parte all’opera di soccorso del Comitato vicentino nell’area dell’Aspromonte e l’incontro con tale realtà fu talmente coinvolgente che egli vi ritornò numerose volte per svolgere inchieste e fondare asili, scuole, biblioteche, istituti sanitari, ambulatori, musei. Le sue fotografie costituiscono oggi una testimonianza, al di là della pure indubbia suggestione e bellezza, delle condizioni miserrime della popolazione cui voleva canalizzare il concreto sostegno dei suoi amici, perché si rendessero conto di come stavano realmente i bambini, gli uomini e le donne di questo sperduto lembo di Calabria. (tradurre in inglese)

Key words:Key words: Zanotti Bianco, terremoto, fotografia, filantropia. (tradurre)

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Si parla di...


José Luis Alonso Ponga. Full professor of Social Anthropology at Valladolid University, Spain. Director of the Chair for Studies on Tradition. Director of the Centre of Applied Anthropology at Valladolid Univer- sity, Spain. Basic topics of research: Popular Religiosity, Cultural Heritage and community development. Director of the Project for a Wine Museum at Peñafiel , sponsored through an agreement signed by Val- ladolid Provincial Government and Valladolid University , held at Valladolid 1997-1999. Lecturer at the Project AECID A/018171/08 on Cultural Property, Natural, Cultural and Sustainable Tourism, and Social Memory of the Iberian Peninsula II (Argentine-Spain), held at the National University of Salta, Argentine on October 19-26, 2009. Subject: Museums of Wine Director of the Research Project on the Ethnographic Documentation on the Wine Area of the Toro Trademark, Institute of the Spanish Historical Patrimony, Ministry of Culture, 2009-2010. Rito y sociedad en las comunidades agrícolas y pastoriles de Castilla y León, Salamanca, 1999. Más allá de nuestras fronteras. Beyond our borders (coord. con M. F. Rice), Valladolid, 2004. Teoría y praxis de la Museografía Etnográfica (coord. con J. Díaz y C. Piñel), Zamora, 2008. Gregorio Fernández: Antropología, historia y estética en el Barroco (coord. con Pilar Panero Gar- cía), Valladolid. 2008 “De las ´semanas santas´ en Castilla a la Semana Santa castellana”. “Plenilunio de Primavera en Valladolid: tiempo y espacio en la Semana Santa” (con Pilar Panero García). En Plenilunio de Primavera. La Semana Santa de Valladolid, Medina de Rioseco y Nocera Terinese (J. L. Alonso Ponga coord.). Valladolid, Ayuntamiento de Valladolid,2011.


Letizia Bindi is Associate Professor of Cultural Antropology at University of Molise (Italy). She teaches also in University of Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples. Graduated at Rome University ‘La Sapienza’, she continued her studies at EHESS of Paris and at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA). Ph.D. at Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 1998. After a principal research on media and the construction of local identity in Italy, starting from the analysis of Italian radio-television archives, she’s actually involved in researches about intangible cultural heritage strategies with a particular focus on big urban ceremonials and rituals in the South of Italy (Molise particularly). She is also engaged on a research on rural areas of this Italian region and their cultural development strategies in the new globalized scenario. The most recent subject of inquiry is human-animal relationships by a new critical approach, with a particular attention to human- horse relationships and equestrian traditions in Italy and Europe and to cultural strategies of valorisation of so-called ‘Horse heritage’.


Rosario Chimirri, architetto, è docente a contratto presso l’Unical, ove si occupa di paesaggio e architettu- ra storica, anche in ottica antropologica. Autore di numerosi saggi sulla realtà calabrese, è membro della Rete Forum UNESCO – Università e Patrimonio.


Claudio Corvino è docente EdA (Educazione degli Adulti) e antropologo. Il suo campo di studi spazia dalle tradizioni popolari dell’Italia centrale all’antropologia religiosa, storica, e degli animali. È direttore della nuova collana di Antropozoologia, “Animalia” (Editore Odoya, Bologna. Il primo volume, sull’orso,è in corso di stampa). Collabora a«Medioevo»,«Archeo»,«La aventura dela Historia» e altre riviste e quotidiani. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Storie e leggende di Babbo Natale e della Befana, Roma, Newton Compton, 1999 (2ª ed. 2004) (con Erberto Petoia); «Ritualità e simbolismo dell’orso in Grecia e dintorni», in I. Bel- lotta - A. De Spirito (a c. di), Antropologia e storia delle religioni. Saggi in onore di A. M. di Nola, Roma, Newton Compton, 2000; Lo sguardo del lupo, Napoli, Esse libri, 2003; «Saggio introduttivo» in Dizionario Universale del Natale, Roma, Newton Compton, 2003; Storie Irpine, Roma, Muzzio, 2004; Il libro nero delle streghe, Roma, Newton Compton, 2004; Maometto. Le radici dell’Islam per capire la nostra storia, Milano, De Agostini, 2005 (con Leonardo Capezzone); L’orso nell’immaginario medievale (Dossier), in

«Medioevo», n. 8 (127), agosto 2007; La caccia alle streghe, numero monografico di «Medioevo Dos- sier», De Agostini-Rizzoli, 2003 (2° ed. De Agostini, 2007); «Augenblick, verweile doch: du bist so schön! (Fermati attimo: sei così bello!)», in La Damnation de Faust, Napoli, Teatro di San Carlo, 2009; «L’ours qui aimait les femmes», in P. Sisto (a c. di), Il Carnevale e il Mediterraneo, Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio – Putignano, 19-21/2/2009, Bari 2010.


Annalisa Di Nuzzo, dottore di ricerca in Scienze antropologiche. Processi migratori e diritti umani, già docente a contratto presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno, assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università degli studi di Salerno fa parte del gruppo di esperti del Laboratorio antropologico per la comunicazione



interculturale e il turismo dell’Università di Salerno. Si occupa di antropologia del turismo, antropolo- gia delle migrazioni, antropologia e letteratura, cultura napoletana. Tra le sue pubblicazioni più recenti: Mutamento culturale e sviluppo turistico a Napoli (2007); Associazionismo e turismo a Napoli (2007); Valentina e le altre (2007); Il centro storico di Napoli: itinerari e turismo. Invisibilità, spettacolarizzazione, logoramento (2009); Corpi, chirurgia, benessere, ibridazioni di genere (2009); La morte la cura L’amore. Donne ucraine e rumene in Campania (2009); Al di là del mare: l’immaginario del bel paese nella nuova letteratura della migrazione italiana <(/em>2010); Don Giovanni tristi,Veneri storpie. Itinerari di lettura di giovani donne nella post-modernità (2011); La sfida della vulnerabilità. Migrazioni di minori non accompagnati in Campania (2012).


Francesco Faeta è professore ordinario del settore M-DEA/01 e insegna Antropologia culturale e Antro- pologia visuale presso l’Università degli Studi di Messina. È coordinatore del Dottorato Antropologia e studi storico-linguistici (Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Cognitive), presso la stessa Università, direttore della Scuola di Etnografia visiva (SEV) preso l’ISFCI di Roma, fellow della Columbia University. Dirige la collana Imagines. Studi visuali e pratiche della rappresentazione, per l’editore Franco Angeli di Milano, e la rivista “Anthropologia”, in uscita nel 2013, per l’editore Fabrizio Serra di Pisa. Il suo ultimo libro è Le ragioni dello sguardo. Pratiche dell’osservazione, della rappresentazione e della memoria, Torino, Bollati- Boringhieri, 2011.


Laurent Sébastien Fournier, born in 1974, earned his PhD in European ethnology (cultural anthropology) at the University of Montpellier III in 2002. He worked on local festivals in Provence (France) and on their transformation into cultural heritage. Secretary of the Eurethno network of the Council of Europe, he has directed several books devoted to the comparative study of rituals and popular festivals in Europe. Since 2005 he is assistant-professor at the University of Nantes where he studies sports and traditional games. Consultant for the UNESCO and for the French ministry of culture, he has also directed researches on the impact of intangible cultural heritage in France and on territorial touristic development.


Laura Faranda è professore ordinario dal 2006 in Discipline etnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01), presso L’Università di Roma “Sapienza” (Dipartimento di “Storia, Culture, Religioni). Tra i suoi percorsi di ricerca, l’antropologia del mondo classico, l’antropologia simbolica, con particolare riguardo al rapporto tra corpo e identità di genere, l’antropologia dei processi migratori, con attenzione privilegiata ai paesaggi sociali dell’Africa sub-sahariana e ai territori di accoglienza connessi con i sistemi scolastici italiani. Negli ultimi anni ha sviluppato una specifica linea di ricerca sui saperi e le pratiche connesse con la medicina tra- dizionale e l’etnopsichiatria, con particolare attenzione all’area maghrebina e maliana. Sempre in Mali, dal 2005 è impegnata nella riabilitazione del corpus documentario degli Archivi del cercle di Bandiagara.


Fulvio Librandi insegna Etnologia nell’Università della Calabria. Si occupa di antropologia della corporeità e dei modelli culturali della violenza in contesti di mafia.


Donato Loscalzo insegna Lingua e Letteratura greca presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia. Si è interessato di lirica greca arcaica, in particolare di Pindaro <(em>La Nemea settima, 2000; La parola inestinguibile. Studi sull’epinicio pindarico, 2003), e di teatro ateniese soprattutto per quanto riguarda la ricezione delle opere messe in scena <(em>Catarsi tragica, in «Quaderni Urbinati di cultura classica» 2003; Il pubblico a teatro nella Grecia antica, 2008) e la funzione politica della commedia <(em>Aristofane e la coscienza felice, 2010). I suoi studi vertono anche sugli aspetti dei rituali religiosi e dei loro riflessi nella poesia e nella tragedia greca, in particolare sugli usi degli strumenti musicali nelle performances, del rapporto poeta/pubblico, e delle situazioni in cui i testi composti per una specifica occasione di festa potessero essere replicate.


Maria Teresa Milicia è ricercatrice e docente di antropologia culturale all’Università di Padova. Ha svolto ricerche sul campo in Campania e in Calabria sulla produzione sociale di simboli religiosi e politici nella costruzione delle identità locali. Ha lavorato a una prospettiva di lettura antropologica della rivista fascista

«La Difesa della Razza», con particolare riferimento all’analisi culturale del razzismo scientifico nell’antropologia italiana.


Anna Maria Musilli è dottore di ricerca in Metodologia della ricerca educativa, assegnista di ricerca di Antropologia culturale, già docente a contratto di Antropologia Culturale (Facoltà di Scienze della For- mazione) Università di Salerno, membro del Laboratorio Antropologico DISUFF Università di Salerno. Si occupa di cultura napoletana e campana, letteratura dell’erranza, antropologia del fitness e del wellness, immigrazione in Campania e nel Piemonte, antropologia del turismo, brigantaggio nelle tradizioni orali della Lucania. Tra i suoi scritti figurano:I luoghi dell’identità: un salotto della canzone napoletana (2002); Le iniziative ufficiali sull’educazione interculturale nella scuola italiana (2005); Lo straniero e le apocalissi culturali in due poeti del Novecento europeo (2006); L’Armonia perduta della Napoli di La Capria (2007); Bocche per sorridere (2006); Cinesi e italiani a San Giuseppe Vesuviano (2007); L’editoria turistica a Na- poli (2007); Memoria orale del brigantaggio ad Avigliano e a Missanello (2009); Mamme italiane e bambini cinesi (2010) Il male innocente. L’infanzia perduta della camorra (2012).


Ferenc Pozsony. Place and date of birth: Zabola (Transylvania, Romania) April 16th 1955. 1977-1981: Student at the ,,Babes-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian Language and Cultural Depart- ment, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 1990-2012: President of Kriza János Ethnographical Society. 1990-1998: Assistant Professor at the Hungarian Language and Cultural Department of Babes-Bolyai” University. 1997: Ph.D. in Philological (ethnological) Sciences. 1998: University Lecturer. 2002: University Profes- sor at the Department of Hungarian Ethnology and Anthropology. 2005: Director of a Ph.D. Programme. 2002: Györffy István Award (Hungarian Ethnographical Society, Budapest). 2003: Founded Csángó Eth- nographical Museum in Zăbala. 2004: Award for the Csángó Culture (National Cultural Heritage Ministery, Budapest). 2010: External member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest). 2011: Vicepresi- dent of the International Association for Hungarian Studies (Budapest). Number of individual volumes: 12. Co-author: 5. Editor: 21. Studies appeared in volumes: 91.


Gianfranca Ranisio è professore straordinario di Antropologia Culturale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali dell’Università di Napoli Federico II. Ha studiato l’intersecarsi delle tappe biologiche femminili con le rappresentazioni simboliche e culturali che le sostanziano. I suoi lavori si collocano nel punto di intersezione tra l’antropologia culturale, l’analisi delle tradizioni demologiche, l’antropologia medica e i gender studies.

Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Il lupo mannaro. L’uomo, il lupo, il racconto, Casa del Libro, Reggio Calabria, 1984; Venire al mondo. Pratiche, credenze e rituali del parto, Meltemi, Roma, 1998; La città e il suo rac- conto, Meltemi, Roma, 2003; Quando le donne hanno la luna. Credenze e tabù, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2006; (con C. Simone) Oltre le convenzioni. La cooperazione di medicina generale nell’esperienza del Sannio campano, Cues, Salerno 2010.


Antonello Ricci, è professore associato del settore M-DEA/01 presso il Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni, insegna nei corsi di laurea triennale in Teorie e pratiche dell’antropologia, di cui è attualmente presidente, e Magistrali in Musicologia e in Discipline etnoantropologiche, “Sapienza” Università di Roma. Conduce ricerche sul campo nel Centro e Sud Italia su temi riguardanti le culture pastorali, l’ascolto, la museografia etnografica, l’etnografia visiva, l’antropologia dei suoni, gli eventi festivi e cerimoniali. Tra le sue ultime pubblicazioni Antropologia dell’ascolto, 2010; Il paese dei suoni, 2012.


Maria Margherita Satta è professore ordinario di Antropologia culturale e Direttore del Dipartimento di Sto- ria, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi di Sassari. Inoltre, è Direttore della Sezione antropologica della Collana editoriale del suddetto Dipartimento pubblicata da Carocci Editore, Roma. Da diversi decenni ha orientato i suoi interessi di ricerca secondo metodologie interdisciplinari, privilegiando, in particolare, problematiche di antropologia religiosa, sulle quali ha prodotto numerose opere.


Vincenzo M. Spera. Professore ordinario di Storia delle tradizioni popolari nella Facoltà di Scienze Umane e Sociali dell’Università degli Studi del Molise. Dal 1972 ha svolto ricerche sulla produzione dei legni inta- gliati dai pastori: Il legno del caprone. Il mondo di un oggetto, Matera, Il subbio, 1977; ha svolto ricerche sul campo sulle feste tradizionali e in particolare sui così detti “culti arborei” in Basilicata, Calabria, Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo e Molise. Sulla religiosità popolare ha condotto, dal 1974, ricerche e studi su alcune espressioni votive contemporanee; su alcuni rituali di Carnevale rilevati, oggetto di diverse pub- blicazioni. Socio fondatore dell’AISEA, membro dell’Atelier Européen d’Études Comparées du Réseau FER-Eurethno du Conseil de l’Europe. Saggi pubblicati in Belgio, Brasile, Francia, Giappone, Messico Portogallo, Spagna. Monografie recenti: Il sarmento e l’edera. Metamorfosi di un Carnevale contadino, Ex voto. Tra figura e parola. Il potere del racconto esemplare.


Gianfranco Spitilli è dottore di ricerca in Etnoantropologia. Nel 2006 ha condotto un semestre di studio


in Francia in Anthropologie Sociale, Ethnographie et Ethnologie presso l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales di Parigi, dove attualmente è Post-dottorando in Sciences Religieuses all’École Pra- tique des Hautes Études (Directeur: Prof. Giordana Charuty). Svolge ricerche nel campo dell’etnologia religiosa, dell’etnomusicologia e dell’antropologia della memoria in Italia centro-meridionale, Belgio e Romania. È membro della Société Française d’Ethnomusicologie (SFE), dell’Associazione Italiana per le Scienze Etnoantropologiche (AISEA) e della Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoan- tropologici (SIMBDEA). Ha pubblicato libri, saggi su riviste scientifiche italiane, documentari e dischi con materiali di ricerca. Nel 2009 ha vinto il Premio Nigra per una ricerca antropologica.


Carlos Viesca T., MD, PHD, is a scholar specialized in Ancient Mexican Medicine, mainly Nahuatl Me- dicine, which was inherited by Aztecs from earlier cultures of Central Mexico. He was Director of the Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine from 1983 to 2012 and continues teaching History and Philosophy of Medicine in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at the National Autonomous Uni- versity of Mexico (UNAM). Is author of some 35 books and 450 articles and book chapters, among them Medicina Prehispánica de México (1985), Ticíotl. Conceptos médicos de los antiguos mexicanos (1997), Medicina prehispánica (2007), Medicina tradicional (2007) and 1810-2010. Dos siglos de Medicina en México (2011). Has been president of the Mexican Society of History and Philosophy of Medicine and actually is Vicepresident of the International Society of History of Medicine.